NAPCO provides high quality countertop refinishing, resurfacing, and reglazing products that will transform the look of your client’s countertops. Use our countertop resurfacing products to increase sales!

If you are already offering bathtub refinishing services for your customers, you can easily increase your sales by adding countertop refinishing to your list of services.  Selling this service is easy because your customers will want their countertop surfaces to look their best without spending a lot of money to replace them.

kitchen remodeling

When it comes to improving the look of kitchen and bathroom countertops, countertop resurfacing is a no-brainer.  On average, a homeowner may spend around $3,000 replacing their countertops while countertop refinishing services can cost homeowners up to 60% less than having them replaced.  That means that you can completely revitalize the look of your customers’ countertops for just pennies on the dollar compared to full replacement.  Countertop refinishing services can also be customized to create the exact look your clients want.  These are great talking points to get your customers interested in refinishing their countertops and a great way for you to increase your services and your sales.

NAPCO offers a complete line of Flint-Stone faux-granite countertop coating products that reproduce the look of real natural stone.  These coating products will repair minor surface damage by filling in gouges and covering stains while giving countertops the look of new granite or natural stone at a fraction of the cost.  We offer 27 different colors of our faux-granite coatings which means that you can offer your customers many different options to match the exact décor of their kitchen or bathroom.

The Flint-Stone faux-granite coating is sprayed on just like other conventional coatings.  Make sure you mask off the cabinets and walls before you begin to protect them from overspray.

Contact NAPCO at (800) 888-1081 to order countertop refinishing and resurfacing products or place an order online.