May 2017 1 - NAPCO Ltd.
Equipment, Supplies, and Training for the Professional Refinisher
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May 2017

  1. Steve Coven Interviewed on the Entrepreneur Podcast Network

    Steve Coven Interviewed on the Entrepreneur Podcast Network

    Steve Coven, owner and creative director at NAPCO, was recently interviewed for the Entrepreneur Podcast Network about how the entrepreneurial spirit drives the success of both NAPCO and its customers to develop products and delve into new markets.

  2. NAPCO Named One of “Chicago’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For”

    NAPCO Named One of “Chicago’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For”

    NAPCO has been named one of “Chicago’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For” by the National Association For Business Resources. This highly sought-after award is granted to just 101 Chicago-area businesses each year for having demonstrated above-and-beyond dedication to customer service and human resources.

  3. Safety Precautions to Take When Refinishing

    Safety Precautions to Take When Refinishing

    Bathroom refinishing can be especially dangerous because bathrooms are usually small, enclosed spaces without proper ventilation. Exposure to methylene chloride can lead to eye, nose, and throat irritation, headaches, dizziness, and at high levels it can impair breathing. Fortunately, there are a number of precautions refinishers can take to ensure that they are not harmed by these dangerous chemicals.

  4. Countertop Refinishing Products

    Countertop Refinishing Products

    NAPCO provides high quality countertop refinishing, resurfacing, and reglazing products that will transform the look of your client’s countertops. Use our countertop resurfacing products to increase sales!

  5. Bathtub and Tile Refinishing and Resurfacing Products

    Bathtub and Tile Refinishing and Resurfacing Products

    North American Polymer Company (NAPCO) has been providing quality bathtub refinishing products and tile reglazing products for professional bathtub refinishers since 1971.  NAPCO is dedicated to providing everything you need for your bathtub refinishing business including bathtub and tile reglazing supplies and products such as strippers, catalysts, cleaners, thinners, and primers.  Our goal is to […]

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