NAPCO Sonic Strip paint stripper

NAPCO Sonic Strip paint stripper

More than anything, NAPCO cares about the safety of refinishers. It's also no secret that today's consumers are looking for more eco-friendly and safer options for their homes. Effective immediately, the EPA has determined that the use of methylene chloride in consumer products presents an unreasonable risk of injury, and therefore is prohibiting the manufacture, processing and distribution of those products containing methylene chloride. We are happy that these dangerous products have been banned and officially removed from retail shelves.

NAPCO's Sonic Strip solvent-based paint stripper has always been methylene chloride free and federally VOC compliant while proving to be just as effective as traditional paint strippers. And we can prove it! Check out this video to see it live in action during one of our recent training classes.

Sonic Strip paint stripper

NAPCO trainee practices using Sonic Strip during training class

Besides being specially formulated to be safer and better for the environment, Sonic Strip clings to vertical surfaces so it can be brushed on and will stay where applied, like traditional solvent strippers. It's specifically designed to remove polyurethane and epoxy coatings and also removes enamels, acrylics, lacquers and most other coatings, all of which usually soften 15-30 minutes after application. Sonic Strip can be used on ceramic, porcelain, fiberglass, metal and wood.

Additionally, Sonic Strip features a built-in humectant to prevent premature drying, and a tolerable odor (note that a respirator mask is still recommended). Sonic Strip will then lift the film from the substrate while keeping the coating more intact. With Sonic Strip, paint comes off in sheets and large sections as opposed to the gooey mess that you get with traditional paint strippers.

We're grateful that a dangerous product has been removed from the public, and we're glad NAPCO can offer Sonic Strip to save refinisher's time and money, as well as provide a safer experience for you, your customers and the environment. '

Call NAPCO today at 800-888-1081 to request your free sample so you can try for yourself.