Tech Support
NAPCO Produces Tech Support Videos
Refinishers now have a resource for how-to information NAPCO recently unveiled a YouTube playlist with tech support videos. The professional videos show how to correctly perform many basic refinishing tasks and processes. The videos are unique to the industry because they are professionally produced and informative and easy to follow. Titles currently on the YouTube […]
Ask Mike Ripp: When Can Coating Result In A Problem Tub?
NAPCO’s Mike Ripp has over 30 years of experience in tub refinishing, making him a leading authority in the industry. In addition to providing refinishing training courses as Director of Training and Tech Support at NAPCO, Mike is an exceptional mentor in teaching tradesmen how to build their business. “Mike, I’m seeing the coating starting […]
Tub Refinisher Causes Apartment Fire
You’re busy. You have another tub to get done today and you’re running late. What do you do? Maybe skip a safety measure or two to save a few minutes? Think again. Recently in San Diego, a refinisher wasn’t using a fume exhaust system and caused an explosion, rocking an apartment building. The explosion and […]