January 2015
NAPCO Teams with WAC Solution Partners to Upgrade ERP Software
NAPCO has awarded a contract to upgrade their enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to WAC Solution Partners, a Schaumburg, IL provider of software solutions. The new software, Sage Pro 300, comprises accounting, reporting and customer management modules. The new package will provide them with unprecedented access to data for every level of their business. The […]
Steve Coven and Mike Ripp on the radio!
Steve Coven and Mike Ripp were on the radio Sunday, January 11th, speaking about the tub refinishing business. They were guests on Get Down to Business with Shalom Klein on WIND-AM 560. They spent time talking about NAPCO’s supply business as well as their successful training classes. Shalom Klein is very much interested in job […]
Even A Basic Website Needs Protecting
So you have a website for your business that isn’t that complicated. It tells visitors what you do, hopefully some examples of good results and how to get in touch with you. Nothing fancy but it gets the job done as far as communicating the most important elements, right? Well, what would it mean to […]
Ask Mike Ripp: When Can Coating Result In A Problem Tub?
NAPCO’s Mike Ripp has over 30 years of experience in tub refinishing, making him a leading authority in the industry. In addition to providing refinishing training courses as Director of Training and Tech Support at NAPCO, Mike is an exceptional mentor in teaching tradesmen how to build their business. “Mike, I’m seeing the coating starting […]